Crosspointe Church
Upcoming Events
Independence Day Celebration & Fireworks
Join us, Wednesday, July 3rd, for our annual Independence Day Celebration Cookout and Fireworks Show. This event is completely FREE. The cookout will begin at 7:30PM with the Fireworks display starting shortly after sundown. There will be food, fun games, fellowship and of course FIREWORKS! We hope you come get to know us at this Family centered event!
Every Sunday Night
YES: Youth Encountering the Savior
Our Crosspointe Kids and Crosspointe Youth meet most Sunday nights at 5:00PM for a time of Bible Study, Games, Fun & Fellowship. YES is for kids 1st grade and up. Sometimes all the ages are together, while other times they are broken down into age groups. Once a month they have an offsite YES meeting for a little more adventure. We'd love to minister to you children and help them encounter their Savior. Join us and say "YES" to Sunday nights!
Every Wednesday Night: Bible Study for Adults
Every Wednesday night at 6:30PM, we have a Bible Study for Adults. The class is led by a rotation of teachers: Mike Carter, Rev. Norman Richmond, and Pastor Mike King. We dive deep into God's Word and have a discussion based lesson to help each other come to a deeper understanding of the Bible and a closer walk with Christ. We would love to have you join us.
Every Other Monday: Coffee & Chat with Pastor Mike
Every other Monday morning at 10:00AM, we have Coffee & Chat with Pastor Mike. This is NOT a Bible study or service. It really is what is in the name... Coffee & Chat. It is simply an informal time of fellowship with Pastor Mike and your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. If you don't like coffee, that's okay; just bring your favorite beverage and join in the fellowship. We hope to see you here. We promise, the coffee is good, but the fellowship is better!
Once a month: Fellowship for our Senior Citizens
Our Senior Saints meet once a month for a time of fellowship and food. Contact the church office to ask when the next Vintage Vessels meeting will take place.
4G: God, Guys, Guns & Grub
Our Crosspointe Men's 4G: God, Guys, Guns, & Grub meets periodically for a time of fellowship, food, devotion and shooting guns. Targets, eye and ear protection are provided. The men need to bring their own beverage, lawn chair, guns & ammo. For more information on the next 4G event, contact the church office.
Second Annual Spring Carnival
Calendar of Upcoming Events
We will see you soon!
We have a ton of awesome stuff going on at the church! Make sure you check the calendar for all the dates and times. We are sure you will want to join in on some very cool stuff! If you have any questions about the events feel free to contact us. We would love to hear from you!